Underwater Photographer of the Year competition (UPY 2016) - February 2016
Eight successful images in this years awards - Tompot gets 'Runner Up' in Compacts
A Tompot blenny (Parablennius gattorugine) from Trefor pier, Lleyn, North Wales.
This charismatic little fish was poking it's head out from underneath the pier and happy to have its picture taken. A pleasing capture that was my highest placed entry in this year's competition - Voted 'Runner Up' in the Compact camera category.
Taken using an Olympus TG3 camera in an Olympus housing and Sea & Sea YS110 strobe
This charismatic little fish was poking it's head out from underneath the pier and happy to have its picture taken. A pleasing capture that was my highest placed entry in this year's competition - Voted 'Runner Up' in the Compact camera category.
Taken using an Olympus TG3 camera in an Olympus housing and Sea & Sea YS110 strobe