Welcome to the 2020-2023 page of Trevor Rees Photography.
This page is a snapshot from 2020 to 2023. Most images are from British diving and are highlights though this period.
This page is a snapshot from 2020 to 2023. Most images are from British diving and are highlights though this period.
Variable blenny. Plymouth - August 2023
Variable (or ringneck) blenny on the Breakwater fort
Wolf-fish from Loch Carron - July 2023
Bristol Underwater Photography Group (BUPG) - image of the year
Undulate ray, Kimmeridge -September 2022
Wow, what an attractive species of ray (Raja undulata)
Thornback ray from the Helford estuary - June 2022
Diving with Porthkerris Divers in Cornwall
Underwater Photographer of the Year - February 2022
UPY 2022, Highly Commended - spawning sea urchin
Yarrell's blenny (Chirolophis ascanii), Loch Carron - July 2021
Diving at Castle bay, Strome,
Kelp and urchin from Kinlochbervie - July 2021
Boat diving on the reefs of north west Scotland
Anemones from Pembrokeshire - May 2021
Mesacmaea mitchellii - from shore diving Martin's Haven
Amphipods from Loch Carron - April 2021
Shown at BSoUP’s April meeting - 'Shallow depth of field' competition
Black and White month, mauve stinger jellyfish - February 2021
Shown at BSoUP and BUPG photographic societies
Bib on wreck, Underwater Photographer of the Year - February 2021
Highly Commended in Living Together category
Three little bugs - Underwater Photographer of the Year - February 2021
Highly Commended in British macro category
Amphipod (Iphimedia obesa) from Loch Carron - October 2020
The addiction of super- macro photography
BIUPC 2020, Mankind's Impact on the Environment - September 2020
Mankind's Impact on the Environment, category winner
Wolf-fish at St. Abbs, Scotland - July 2020
It's the North-East coast for wolf-fish (Anarhichas lupus).
Sea hare - Loch Eriboll, Scotland - June 2020
Winning picture at BUPG's June monthly meeting
Underwater Photographer of the Year competition results - February 2020
Runner-Up for my Cuckoo wrasse in British macro category (UPY 2020)
Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) - January 2020
Newts have retuned to my garden pond.